Transforming Healthcare Providers Using CDI Powered by AI Tools
The transition of healthcare practices to value-centric care has made technology indispensable in the healthcare industry. In the modern era, advanced technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) solutions are designed towards supporting Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) teams in their quest
Looking Beyond Revenue Loss: The Repercussions of Improper Coding
Understanding the Importance of Medical Coding Precise medical coding is crucial to receiving reimbursement from your insurance company. It also helps with maintaining proper documentation and records of the patients. When the code is inaccurate, the insurance company can deny claims
Growing Importance of Coding, Document Audit & Compliance
Auditing has been a vital and integral aspect of governance and quality management for organizations across industries for decades. When it comes to healthcare, new guidelines implementation of the latest ICD-10, CPT and HCPCS Level II codes, with a database
A Drive to Achieve Operational Excellence through Clinical Coding Automation
Clinicians are documenting their patients’ encounter notes into a medical chart. Often, thousands of medical coders and auditors find themselves sitting down and having to painstakingly review these patient notes. They go through this process to convert raw data into
How Smart Coding Workflow can enhance the revenue integrity of Urgent Care Centers
Urgent Care Centers (UCC) are booming As the healthcare landscape evolves and continues to change, Urgent Care Centers continue to experience rapid growth. UCC growth is expected to continue, with the market expected to hit $26 billion in 2023. The primary reason
How E/M Coding Changes Became an Urgent problem at AFC Memphis
The 2021 CPT® code, updated in September 2020 revised the coding guidelines for CPT outpatient evaluation and management (E/M) services. The last time the American Medical Association (AMA) made significant changes to this code set was nearly 30 years after
Enhancing Revenue Integrity for healthcare providers
Every year, Healthcare Tech awards 10 companies which provide impactful healthcare workflow solutions to the healthcare industry. Exdion Health is one amongst them this year. Exdion makes the best use of cutting-edge technology and deep domain knowledge to blend its
The Impact of Technology AI-Driven Technology on urgent Centers
Urgent Care Centers must simultaneously care for multiple patients while ensuring medical codes, Clinical documentation and care standards are met. At the same time, resources at UCCs to multitask, quickly assimilate and make this information usable for revenue integrity through
UCC Revenue Cycle Management Challenges
A recent National health insurer study reported that around 20% of the claims paid are incorrect. In addition, healthcare providers have to endure a loss of approximately 4%-12% of their income. This is what makes optimized medical coding & billing essential
How Exdionca solves the coding crunch for Texas Urgent Care Clinics
The importance of medical coding in healthcare Medical coding has now undoubtedly become an integral part of healthcare. The medical billing outsourcing market alone has been projected to reach $23.1 billion by 2027. However, there has been an acute shortage of